The half brother of Jesus freaked out a lot of people who did NOT know how to hold two seemingly opposite ideas in tension -- namely that we're saved by FAITH ALONE through GRACE ALONE.  James suggested we need good works to prove our faith real.  James said that there is a type of faith that is ineffectual, broken, and dead as a doornail. FIXEDFAITH.COM is not about that one, it's about the good one that leads us directly into a forever relationship with our creator and designer.

 We hold out an open hand in faith to receive from God the free but hard won gift of grace and of forgiveness.

...built by mid-summer (refer to my schedule). 


What's  New

  • Obtained supplies from art supplies store - May 29
  • Decided to build a tree house - May 25


Key Milestones

  • June 1 - Have prototype sketched out
  • June 7 - Have CAD drawings completed
  • more ...